Washington State Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network (WAFAC)


The Washington State Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network (WAFAC) is a network of 106 people representing 39 organizations who regularly connect and learn from each other to increase understanding of wildfire and community resilience.

The network links people to resources and shared strategies that can be applied to on-the-ground projects or inform and influence programs at different scales. Network members – individuals, agencies, affiliations, and organizations – try new approaches to reduce the risk of wildfire to communities and help communities prepare for and recover from wildfire.

The WRCD stewards the network by providing the following services:  

  • Technical assistance and Mentorship
  • Training and learning opportunities
  • Resource and best practices guides for FAC 
  • Facilitation guides and toolkits for community coordinators, facilitators, and community fire adaptation leaders
  • Online resource library
  • Partnership liaison between community-based organizations and those providing resources that support community fire adaptation initiatives and projects
  • Financial assistance
  • Meeting and workshop design and facilitation
  • Plan, coordinate, and facilitate field or site visits

To learn more about how these services contribute to wildfire resilience in Washington, check out WAFAC’s Theory of Change.

WAFAC members include place-based entities and organizations, including, but not limited to, nonprofit organizations, fire districts, conservation districts, municipalities, local FAC coordinating groups and coalitions, homeowner’s associations, and other community-based organizations and affiliations working on community fire adaptation.

With gratitude and appreciation, we thank our funders who make our work possible.